Using a design sprint to innovateDigital transformation
- Design sprint

Jul 17, 2024
5 min
Floris van Lohuizen
The market is changing rapidly, and customer expectations are rising. Digitalisation is becoming crucial but how do you determine which factor is most important for your company? In this blog we discuss the 'North Star Metric' (NSM) the KPI that helps you determine if your organisation is on track to achieve its business goals. Discover how the NSM provides direction in a fast-changing environment
A North Star Metric is a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) used to measure your company's progress. It serves as the overarching goal that guides all activities within your organization, enabling you to enhance the value for your customers.
For instance, if you run a regional delivery service for fresh products, an effective NSM could be the number of repeat orders per customer. This not only indicates customer satisfaction but also the growing reliance on your service.
In reality, for any organization, the North Star Metric is linked to delivering value. Consider these well-known NSMs that you might already use daily:
Average order value per day
Number of monthly customers completing their first order
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
That digitalisation and digital tools are indispensable in our society is clear, but when is it also a solution for you? At Label A, we believe that in many cases, a digital tool can accelerate an organization's objectives, with digitalisation being not an end in itself but a crucial means to achieve your goals.
Let's illustrate this with an example: Take the story of a delivery service. This company started about five years ago, delivering fresh meals to children at schools. A seamless online ordering process and a smooth logistics operation are essential for the business to run successfully. A fully digital infrastructure is necessary for an easy ordering process and for planning, managing, and directing logistics. Moreover, an IT infrastructure makes the business scalable and enables future growth.
Call it a digital tool, a digital solution, or software. Essentially, all terms are correct, but at Label A, we refer to it as a digital tool. A digital tool is a means to solve a problem or achieve a goal, and its form can vary each time. Sometimes it's an app, other times a platform or a web application.
The most important aspect of developing a digital tool is to start from the question of how to best serve your end user. This question must remain central throughout the entire process because when you perfectly solve your end users' problems, they will return more often and recommend it to others. This way, you add value and contribute to achieving your NSM.
So, you start with your end user's problem and the value you want to add. But how do you solve the problem, add value, and achieve your objectives? Here are a few steps we follow:
In which scenario is your end user's problem solved? When is it optimal? Is it a certain number of users, a specific usage duration, or a number of logged actions? It could be anything. What do customers hire you for, and what value do they hope to find or buy from you? This ties into the "job-to-be-done"—when have your customers achieved their desired result?
Make sure to consider your entire target audience; your NSM should ultimately apply to your entire (desired) customer base.
Label A is happy to help you find your North Star Metric, but if you want to start on your own, we have a tip: Look at the Value Proposition Canvas. This model helps you easily visualize your customers' pains and gains as well as the jobs-to-be-done. By placing these on post-its, you can gain insight into how certain elements relate to each other and whether any factors are missing.
The roadmap is the path to achieve your goal, your North Star. Review this roadmap with your colleagues so you can collectively commit to it. Once you have defined your North Star Metric, focus on identifying which initiatives contribute to it and which do not. Ensure this NSM is measurable to save time and avoid frustration during execution. Quickly phase out initiatives that don't contribute. Determine the steps and interim goals needed to reach your North Star. Identify any gaps to be filled and which existing initiatives can be accelerated to get closer to your North Star Metric. Commitment to this roadmap is crucial; the rest will follow naturally.
Crucial is to determine whether you have sufficient control over achieving your North Star Metric. Your organization operates in an economy where numerous factors can influence the service you provide. Heavy reliance on suppliers to achieve your NSM makes it risky. You may need to consider defining a different NSM or reducing this dependency. Additionally, it's important to realize that you're likely not the first or only one offering your product or service. Therefore, understanding what sets you apart from your competition is crucial. Focus on your strengths and resist being swayed by competitors' actions.
Understanding what your customers value most (value) or what they find lacking in other providers can work to your advantage. This is known as your unfair competitive advantage. What can you do better than your competitors that they cannot easily replicate? This is one of the key aspects to explore in step 3 when examining the "context" in which you operate. If you establish this value clearly, you become unbeatable.
On the journey to your North Star Metric (which is rarely a linear path), numerous sub-initiatives solving sub-problems will contribute to the ultimate solution. Some are digital, others are not; some are prerequisites for subsequent initiatives, while others stand well on their own. We observe an increasing level of digitalization in these initiatives. In the realm of digital tools, there are abundant opportunities, techniques, and technologies to achieve your goal. What offers the most potential for your objective or challenge? Is it an app, a web application, or another type of platform? Is it a prototype or an MVP? Start by researching the sub-challenges of your end users and explore various options to solve them. Need assistance? Look at the bottom of this page for the contact details.
A digital tool, as mentioned earlier, is a means to an end. It acts as a component or catalyst to rapidly achieve your objectives. However, a digital tool is never complete. There are always changes to consider, always something to adapt to. Therefore, your digital tool must be flexible enough to evolve with these changes, and you must know when those adaptations are necessary.
Build your digital tool with the North Star Metric in mind and how you'll measure it. Determine in advance the KPIs that will gauge whether you're on track to achieve your metric. Additionally, create a data-driven dashboard that includes these KPIs, allowing you to monitor progress and identify any emerging trends. Review these results periodically to assess whether adjustments are needed to enhance your solution further.
By making data-driven decisions, you can flexibly make choices that contribute to improving the tool and achieving the North Star Metric.
At Label A, we understand the challenges of digitalization. We specialize in identifying businesses' North Star and crafting bespoke digital tools tailored to their needs. By meticulously mapping out workflows and understanding user requirements upfront, we create solutions that are demonstrably smarter and/or more cost-effective based on data.
We can assist you at every stage of the process, from strategy to implementation and continuous data-driven optimization. We've successfully executed this approach for numerous other organizations. Curious to learn more? Explore the customer success stories on our case studies page.
Do you want to know how Label A can assist you in maximizing the numerous possibilities of digital transformation and information provision? We would love to get to know you! For more information about our services and solutions, please contact Rogier Stroband.
Rogier Stroband
Commercial Director